Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Best Autumn Food to Stay Health

Time to take your coat out: Autumn, charming and nostalgic, has officially started! London's getting rainy, leaves are turning red and outside it's colder every day. As winter gets closer, it's super-important to start building right now a strong immune system to avoid annoying cold and flu... 
We suggest here a few Fall Superfoods, at their peak in this season, that will help you in this mission, with a great deal of taste. 

1. Apples 
Sweet or tart, apples are satisfying eaten raw or baked into a delicious dish. Just be sure to eat the skin—it contains hearty-healthy flavonoids. Health benefits include:

• Full of antioxidants 
• 4 grams of dietary fiber per serving

2. Rutabaga
A cross between a turnip and a cabbage, rutabagas are a popular Swedish dish. To utilize their earthy flavor, add them to casseroles, puree them with turnips and carrots to make a sweet soup, or roast them with ginger, honey, or lemon. Health benefits include: 

• Good source of fiber 
• Good source of vitamin C 

3. Squash 
Unlike summer squash, winter squash has a fine texture and a slightly sweet flavor. Because of its thick skin, it can be stored for months. It tastes best with other fall flavorings, like cinnamon and ginger. Health benefits include

• Contains omega-3 fatty acids 
• Excellent source of vitamin A

4. Pomegranates
This slightly sour fruit has gotten a lot of press as an antioxidant powerhouse. The juice provides a tangy base for marinades, and the seeds can be tossed into salads to amp up the flavor. Health benefits include: 

• A UCLA study showed pomegranate juice has higher antioxidant levels than red wine 
• Good source of vitamin C and folate 

5. Dates
This Middle Eastern favorite is a sweet fruit that is perfect braised in stews, chopped up in desserts, or stuffed with cream cheese or almonds. Health benefits include: 

• Low in fat 
• Good source of fiber 
• Good source of potassium 

6. Tangerines
The small and sweet citrus fruits are positively refreshing for fall recipes. Our favorite flavor combos include almonds, dates, and honey. Juice them with oil, vinegar, and ginger for a to-die-for dressing. Health benefits include: 

• Good source of vitamin C 
• Good source of beta-carotene

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